How to Pray for One Another
A couple of months ago during our members meeting we passed our church membership role. The importance of a church membership role is let the whole membership know who they are responsible for as members. One the greatest responsibilities that we have for one another is to pray for one another and to pray for each others greatest of needs. The Bible instucts us in how to do this and what to pray for. So here is what I listed on front page of our membership role.
Ephesians 1:15-23
Ephesians 3:14-21
Philippians 1:9-11
Colossians 1:9-12
- Pray they would grow their faith.
- Pray they would grow love and may abound more and more.
- Pray they would have a spirit of wisdom and discernment.
- Pray they would grow in the knowledge of God’s will and understanding.
- Pray they would be strengthened to grasp the limitless dimensions of the Love of Christ.
- Pray they would grow in holiness, producing the fruits of righteousness.
- Pray they will endure/persevere with patience and joy with thanksgiving.
- Pray they would remember the gospel and apply it.
- Pray that God would be Glorified in that person today.
- Pray for their known needs.
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