We gather each week together to fundamentally celebrate the good news of Jesus Christ, the gospel. We believe that this is the purpose of the church. So we delight in God, treasure Jesus Christ, submit to His Word, and love one another. We hold tightly to right Doctrine which unites the church rather than divides. So we hold close to our statement of faith as we believe that it faithfully represents the scripture.
At Sovereign Grace we believe deeply in the truth of the Word of God. The Scripture is the center of our services as it is God's revealation to us. We are a people that believe that as the people of God we are shaped by the Word of God. All that we sing, read, preach, teach, and proclaim is centered on Christ, the Gospel, and the Glory of God.
Our Purpose...
This church exists by the grace of God, for the glory of God, which shall be the ultimate purpose in all its activities. This church glorifies God by loving Him and obeying His commands through:
- Worshipping Him;
- Equipping the saints through biblical preaching, instruction, and study;
- Proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ through preaching, personal evangelism, and any other means consistent with the teachings of the Scriptures;
- Encouraging, supporting, and participating in missions work, local, domestic, and international;
- Administering the ordinances of baptism and communion;
- Encouraging biblical fellowship among believers; and
- Serving other individuals, families, and churches by providing for physical, emotional, and spiritual needs, in the name of Jesus Christ.
We gather together twice a week on Wednesday evening at 6pm and Sunday mornings at 9:00am at 417 Fair Road in Statesboro, GA. We welome all to join us!