At Sovereign Grace we encourage our families to have their children to be a part of the gathering body of Christ and not to be seperated from their families or from the church body as much as possible. Even in children we believe in the effective work of the Word of God faithfully preached. Children may not understand all that they hear or all that we sing, but they are always listening and learning. So we trust the Lord with our children. To seperate our children (and adults) would be to deny them the very purpose of our gathering together -- preaching of the Word, singing of the Word, and fellowship in the Word.
We also provide child care for infants up to the age of 5, an intentional gospel-centered child care during the sermon. We also provide the use of our facility's foyer and hall way during our gathering for your convinences to attend to your child's/infants needs if you so desire. If you have any questions please do not hesitate in emailing us to ask.
In helping us to shape our understanding of having children a part of the services we have found this resource to be helpful and encouraging.